The stories we tell | Assessment

Daniel Willingham tells us that stories are psychologically privileged and two of the reasons that it is useful for leaders to tell stories is that they are easier to understand and they are easier to remember. Daniel Coyle tells us that to establish purpose, we should ‘fill the windscreen with stories’ because this can help to build mental models which drive others’… Continue Reading →

Down the assessment rabbit hole

There a great scene in the Matrix where Morpheus offers Neo the chance to see for himself what the matrix is. The continued references to Alice in Wonderland throughout the films are interesting and I like the way that Morpheus describes the rabbit hole analogy – it certainly fits with our relationship with assessment over… Continue Reading →

6 questions for leaders about assessment

The time is right to challenge assessment practices and there are several questions that leaders need to think about and discuss. Question 1 What is progress? If leaders want to know whether children are making progress, the concept needs defining. For years the dominant model of progress has been numerical – a neat number that… Continue Reading →

Not everyone needs an action plan

In a previous post I elaborated on this model for school improvement that conceives of leaders’ work at three levels. The question ‘What do we do?’ is one of several questions that school leaders should think about and have well formed responses to in order to set the long term strategic direction of the school…. Continue Reading →

Culture setting | More than words

So you want to change school culture? The common starting point is with a mission statement / values / vision of some sort. Indeed common wisdom would suggest starting with why but there are some traps to avoid in working like this. The trouble with values and mission statements Firstly, I think that the terms… Continue Reading →

The imagined school | Traps to avoid

In The Matrix, the story starts with Neo in essentially an imagined world, far different from the related that his physical body is experiencing. Morpheus offers Neo the choice of taking the blue pill, continuing his blissfully ignorant life in this imagined world, or the red pill, opening his eyes to reality. Matthew Evans wrote a… Continue Reading →

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