4 hopes for the English education system

From August I’ll be switching school leadership in the UK to school leadership in the Middle East. The English school system is all I’ve known and this post sets out some hopes for the how it evolves. Following work by Jen Barker and Tom Rees, my conception of school leadership is that high levels of... Continue Reading →

School improvement, informally

Formalhaving a conventionally recognised form, structure, or set of rulesInformalnot following a conventional structure or set of rules The level of formality in the leadership of schools is an interesting continuum. On the one hand, leaders need to establish systems, structures and rules of thumb to ensure the smooth running of the school. On the other hand,... Continue Reading →

Questions that a strategic plan must answer

It’s about that time of year when those responsible for drawing up school improvement plans are thinking about the new academic year. I think there are several questions that a strategic plan must answer: 1 | What are our anchoring concepts of school life? 2 | How are we communicating these anchoring concepts to the... Continue Reading →

Leadership handbook 3.0

Viviane Robinson suggests three capabilities for leading school improvement: This has been transformative for me as a leader, particularly the first capability - using knowledge. It was, and still is, liberating to conceive of school leadership in this way because it gives me something concrete that I can get better at. Trying to be more... Continue Reading →


There is a good chance that, when we look at things going on at department or classroom level and are not happy with what we find, we are seeing the symptoms of a problem further upstream, rather than the cause of the problem.Jonathan Mountstevens Most activities that leaders do to quality assure or to monitor... Continue Reading →

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