Attention, cognitive load and forming meaning | How do schools improve?

Ultimately, school improvement is about better outcomes for children. We can look at outcomes for children in a number of ways beyond what immediately comes to mind about attainment and progress, all of which are desirable for any school leader. At the heart of school improvement though is learning. Schools improve when children learn more,... Continue Reading →

Choosing where to deploy teachers

How should we choose which year groups to place teachers? Most will come back to asking ‘What’s best for the children?’ But this is quite vague and needs unpacking more. What’s best for children is motivated, expert teachers who enjoy working with the colleagues that they have been thrown together with. Therefore what’s best for... Continue Reading →

Team meetings | A driver of school improvement

For those fortunate enough to work in a year group or department with multiple colleagues, the opportunities for collaboration - working together on common problems to achieve common goals - are brilliant. A combination of sharing workload and having plenty of developmental conversations make being a part of a team incredibly important. But every team... Continue Reading →

How can senior leaders support subject leaders?

Subject leaders do an incredible job. In the average primary school, most get minimal additional non contact time and often lead more than one subject. They contribute to curriculum design, champion their subject and support colleagues with subject knowledge, Subject leaders are the engine room of school improvement and the support that senior leaders provide... Continue Reading →

What leaders need to know about impact

Leaders need to know the difference between the actions that they take and the result of those actions. This can sometimes be blurred, particularly because our ultimate goal - outcomes for children - can often take some time to manifest at scale. Leaders must seek to influence other realms that will in turn lead to... Continue Reading →

What I think about…professional learning

Moving schools and with more than an eye on headship is sure to get you reflecting. The following posts are what I think about various things, in no particular order. Previous posts were about displays, learning generally, maths and reading. Next up - professional learning. What should leaders prioritise? With likely a range of often conflicting priorities,... Continue Reading →

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